Catholic Websites I Love
I often get asked about Catholic websites and resources. Listed below are some of the sites I use most frequently. There are so many others out there. Like with anything, we need to be discerning about what information we are consuming and allowing to influence us.
USCCB – The USCCB (United States Conference of Catholic Bishops) is an organization whose job is to unify, coordinate, encourage, promote and carry on Catholic activities in the United States. It is made up of bishops in the US, and their official website is such a wealth of information. It contains everything from daily readings to resources and answers to all kinds of questions. This is a great place to go for any of the big questions.
Catholic Mass Times – Have a specific window of time for attending mass? In a new city and want to see what time you can attend mass nearby? This website is really helpful! I even use it when we are home and our parish’s schedule doesn’t work with ours.
Catechism of the Catholic Church – The Catechism is all the beliefs of the Catholic Church, in book form. You can find all the official teachings of the church here and their biblical references.
Books, Gifts, Home Decor
The Catholic Company – If you need a gift for a sacrament, or a book for any number of topics, this is a great place to get them. Rosaries, statues, prayer cards, and more. Plus check out their sister sites, Catholic Coffee Company, J.Lily, and for all things rosary related.
Catholic Family Crate – An amazing resource for kids. You can order individual products (like the Mass Cards or How to Pray the Rosary cards), or you can subscribe to their monthly crates and receive all kinds of resources to incorporate in your family’s life through the month.
House of Joppa – Another site to get really beautiful home items, paper goods, and sacrament specific gifts and items.
Faith Formation
Dynamic Catholic – Reflections, encouraging e-mail content, and short videos make it easy to incorporate faith throughout the day.
Aleteia – Everything from blog posts to news articles and prayers. You can search by topic and find so much great information here.
Blessed is She – This is where I get a lot of my faith resources and formation from. Daily devotional e-mails, my planner, faith formation videos, Lent and Advent devotionals, plus all kinds of additional resources that I can intertwine throughout my day. It’s probably my favorite/most-used of all of these.
Ascension Press – Resources (Bible in a Year, Catechism in a Year), books, and gifts are all things you can find here.
Are there any sites you really enjoy that I missed?