Something is happening in the waiting

“Mommy look! A heart rock, it’s so pretty!” she picks up the stone from the river’s edge and brings it over. I hold the rock in my hand and marvel at its smoothness, how perfectly shaped it is. I wonder how it came to be, where it traveled from. How did it end up in this spot of the riverbank?

At some point, this stone was part of a bigger rock formation. Something – stress, a blow from another rock, an avalanche – caused this rock to break apart from where it originated. Maybe it banged into another rock and another piece was chipped off. Maybe the heart shape was the result of many chips over time, chips that would seemingly hurt the final shape of the rock. But the water kept rushing past it. Kept flowing around it, and smoothing all those rough edges. Eventually, that stone ended up in Chloe’s hand, beautiful and smooth, and in the shape of a heart.

It makes me think of God, and how he’s always working. Always molding us, smoothing us, shaping us into what He wants us to be. We’re not always sure of what is happening, or when we will see the fruit of what He is doing. But trust Him, He is doing it. God works in His time. It took FORTY TWO generations for God’s promise to Abraham to fully come to be. But God was working, all that time. His work isn’t always apparent to us. Sometimes we get broken apart, or we get a big old chunk ripped out of us.

One day, it will wash up on the riverbank. We will pick it up and see the work of His hands and think, “Ohhh how amazing. You were working the whole time.” 

If you’re in a season of waiting – waiting on something to happen at work, waiting for a baby, waiting to make a life-altering decision – know that He is there with you. I know it’s hard to trust this, but He is working. He’s shaping you, smoothing out the rough edges, and working behind the scenes, in His time, to get you where He wants you to be. Trust Him.


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