2022 Word of the Year

For the last few years, instead of setting New Year’s resolutions, I have picked a word of the year. The word is something I focus on in all aspects of my life – from my marriage, to my self, to my work. I try to choose a word that I know will help improve the quality of my life and make me better. The first year I did this, my word was Simplify, and it was probably my favorite one that I’ve done.
I finally chose a word for this year: JOY.
This year, I want to do things that bring me joy. I know that sometimes we have to do things that don’t necessarily bring us joy, but my goal is to infuse joy into everything I do. I was inspired to use this word after looking back at some of the things that brought me joy this year. On Christmas Eve, I published a Reel on Instagram with my kids, and one of my friends told me that her favorite things about the whole video was my smile and how genuine it was. I want more of that energy in 2022.
Joy in my marriage.
Joy with my children.
Joy in my friendships.
Joy in my work.
Joy in my rest.
So cheers to 2022 and more of that Big Joy Energy!