Month: December 2016

Goodbye 2016!

The end of a year always brings on reflection of the past 365 days. This was a year filled with adventure and growth. We traveled more than I ever thought we would – it felt like every month I was packing for something or other. I wouldn’t trade the adventures we have had as a couple or as a family for anything in the world.

It was also a year of growth in many ways. We grew in wisdom as parents. I no longer feel like I am so reliant upon the opinions of others. I know my son and we as his parents know what is best for him. This also means we grew in confidence when it comes to Caleb and our parenting decisions.

I grew my photography business, even though I didn’t have plans to do so. It ended the year on a really high note.

Finally, I started this little labor of love and it has been a far greater and more fulfilling endeavor than I ever thought. I started it thinking that not very many people would be reading it, but knowing that I wanted to write about motherhood and life in general. I never imagined the feedback I would get and the number of people who would tell me that they loved reading my blog. I have had moms of toddlers, women younger than me who don’t have kids yet, and women of my mom’s generation alike tell me that they love reading what I’m writing. It’s been so much fun and it’s been incredible to hear that kind of praise for something that truly comes from the heart. So thank you, dear reader. Thank you for your shares, your likes, your comments, and for sticking around and hearing about my journey through motherhood!

My goal in the new year is to post more consistently, but also to maintain great content. It’s important to me to keep this blog true to how I started it, maintaining authenticity and quality content and writing.

I’m looking forward to all the incredible things 2017 will bring our way. May the next year be filled with peace, love, and prosperity for each and every one of you!
