My Birth Story

Becoming a mother has made me realize that my birthday isn’t just my day – it’s also my Mom’s BIRTHday. Without her, there would be no me. I wanted to do something different for my birthday post, and I thought hearing my birth story from my mom’s perspective would be cool. Thankfully, my Mom was up to the task and agreed to do write it out – 33 years later! It’s safe to say I am a lot like her, and that’s not a bad thing, in my opinion. Read on to hear all about the day I was born!

On a sunny Sunday morning in late July, July 28th to be exact, I started feeling what I thought were contractions and the beginning of labor. I showered, dressed, and put on make-up. For those who know me, this is no surprise. Eddy (Jenise’s dad) and I waited until the contractions were steady and every 4 minutes. We very nervously and excitedly headed to the hospital. Upon our arrival, I was placed on a monitor to check the contractions. About 10 minutes into this Jenise must have decided to take a nap because the contractions all but stopped. Soooo, they sent me home at about 4pm. I drank water to hydrate and we took a walk. Of course the contractions started again but I was embarrassed and did not want to be sent home again. I tried laying down, but the contractions were stronger and I could not sleep.

By 11pm, Eddy and I could take the waiting no more and went back to the hospital. I was admitted and placed once more on the monitor. The doctor came by and we discussed our wishes. I wanted no pain meds nor an epidural because I did not want any drugs affecting the baby. The doctor said, “We will do our best.” The doctor and the nurses came in periodically to check, and although everything was progressing as it should, it was really slow going. I did not know it at the time but we had a waiting room full of people: grandparents, my cousin, and some friends. Jenise was the first baby, grandchild, to be born into our family. 

By Monday afternoon, the doctor said he was going to start a pitocin drip to get things going a little faster. I had been in labor for 16 hours. Things got going all right. The spikes in contractions were impressive. During the afternoon, I had been hearing women screaming down the hall. Those had all had their babies, but as I heard one more screaming, I remember grabbing Eddy and pulling him close to me and begging him, “If I start to yell like that, promise to smother me with a pillow.” I was starting to get really tired and at 11pm, the doctor came in and said he was going to give me Demerol because he was worried that by the time I had to push, I would be too tired to do so. I was upset because that meant drugs but I also understood I needed some help. Thankfully Jenise was doing just fine and was showing no signs of distress. Demerol was the most interesting experience. I would work through a contraction and as soon as it was over, I would be asleep. Eddy says that I would ask for ice chips, he would turn around to get them and when he went to give them to me, I was already asleep. It certainly allowed me to rest some.

I don’t remember when I started to push, but I know it took awhile. Jenise came into the world 30 hours after I was admitted to the hospital, at 5:02am on Tuesday morning, July 30th. The moment that perfect tiny baby was placed in my arms, I realized that I had not understood what loving a child was. I felt this tremendous joy and sense of wonder that can only be understood when you experience it. My beloved and I had created this perfect tiny creature with ten fingers and ten toes, not to mention, absolutely beautiful, and she depends on us completely for everything. 

Our waiting room entourage ended up exchanging clothes with each other in order to get to work. 😝

Jenise has been a constant joy in our lives and makes us proud every single day. Her determination, patience, kindness, creativity and conviction, make her an amazing daughter, mother and wife. I could not be prouder of the woman she has become.



Thanks Momma for doing this, but more than anything, thank you for being my Mom and for being amazing at it! I love you! 

P.S. Yes, my dad’s name is Eddy and I married an Eddie. 
P.P.S. My mom made sure she was made up before she left for the hospital. Does my love of makeup and being put together make sense now? 
​P.P.P.S. She’s barbaric. 30 hours? Pitocin and no epidural? ’nuff said.