Beauty & the Bare Essentials

Making the switch from working a full time job to being a stay-at-home mom was a little more challenging than I thought it would be. I was used to getting up every morning, doing my hair, putting on a face of makeup, and dressing professionally. For the first month or so, not having to do those things felt like an incredible vacation from the everyday – I always felt like those things ate up so much of my time. 

But after a month, I started to feel like I always looked disheveled. You see, being “made up” was ingrained in me. I grew up with a mom who rarely left her bedroom without her makeup done. My mother is fabulous. Clearly, she wanted me to be the same, and before middle school, I was already learning the tricks of the trade. I vividly remember being in seventh grade, at a strict Catholic school, and applying some powder and clear mascara (yes, I totally did that). By the time high school rolled around, I was a pro at the “no makeup-makeup” look. Aside from growing up with a very pro-makeup mother, I developed cystic acne towards the end of high school. This made it even more imperative for me to apply my makeup every day. (Before you say my skin is fine, I did a round of Accutane at 20 and to this day I have to go get my face injected when a huge cyst pops up – better than some, but not good by any means.)

I don’t necessarily feel like I need to rock my makeup 24/7/365, but I do like to have a little bit of something on when I will encounter humans aside from my toddler. Days when I wake up and my skin is really clear, some tinted moisturizer and mascara will usually do the trick, but for the majority of days when I am leaving the house, this is my routine. If you are all about a fresh, clean , face, then by all means, rock it! I wish my skin was pristine enough that I could do that. 

Also, don’t be fooled – Caleb took an extra long nap this day so I got to do my makeup in my kitchen (where the light is the greatest in my house), sitting down, and taking photos of the process for you all. But most days? I do this at stoplights and once I’m parked at my destination – a little trick I learned once I realized that he is 100% contained and safe in his car seat, instead of digging through my drawers and driving me bonkers while I try not to poke my eye out with my mascara wand. 

So how do I go from bare to barely noticeable? 

Easy! Nine tools and less than five minutes. In the mornings I almost always put on this tinted moisturizer, so that gives me a good base to start with. But if I don’t apply it, it doesn’t matter (I didn’t here). I recently switched to Laura Mercier products for skin care, because I was diagnosed with mild rosacea post-baby and the aesthetician at the dermatologist recommended it. 

1. Concealer! The most important part! I use two products from Laura Mercier. Their underage concealer and this palette which is great because it lets me go darker or lighter depending on how much sun I’ve gotten or what part of my face I’m using it on. I apply with my fingers to cut down on tools and time. 

2. Eyebrows – I have found that once I have filled in my eyebrows with this Anastasia brow powder, the rest of my face instantly looks better. If you prefer a pencil, this is a great alternative. 

3. Powder – Loose, pressed, whatever you prefer. It sets my concealer and evens out my skin a little more. 

4. Blush – the one I’m using is an old one from MAC that was limited edition but another great option (and is universally flattering) is NARS Blush in Orgasm. 

5. Mascara – if you’re going to do just ONE thing, put on mascara. It will instantly open your eyes and make you look more awake (regardless of how many times your little one woke you up last night). 

6. If I’m going somewhere where I want to look a little more presentable, I’ll put on a pretty lip gloss. Otherwise, I slap on some Chapstick and call it a day. 

There you go! Less than five minutes (or 4 stoplights, if you’re anything like me). 
Go get ’em, gorgeous!
