5 Reasons Why I Love My Kindle
It’s clear by all the books I read how much I love reading, but I’m not sure I’ve mentioned just how much I love my Kindle. I have always been an avid reader, but when I would go on trips, I definitely did not enjoy the added baggage of books. For a few years, I used an iPad mini, but I hated the glare when I tried to read outside, and I felt it was so expensive for a reader. When Amazon came out with the Kindle Paperwhite, Eddie got me one and I haven’t looked back since. I’ve had the same one since 2016, going on six years now. It still works perfectly, and it is in great shape. But you want to know why I love it?

- Portable – The kindle paper white is SLIGHTLY larger than an iPhone X and is just as thin. I can slip it into my purse or backpack without feeling like I am being weighed down. Because of this, I always have it with me, so I can read anywhere.
- Multiple books! I remember going on a cruise one time and having o decide between taking an extra book or an extra pair of shoes (it was a Harry Potter hardcover book, for the record. With my Kindle, I never have to make that choice again – I can store multiple books on it so I can read during my trips. Plus, getting new books doesn’t require going to a physical store! If I finish my reading material, I can hop online and download my next read without going anywhere.
- No glare – the kindle paper white is made to emulate the look of paper, so you don’t get the glare like you do on a shiny screen. This means I can read comfortably at the beach, or by the pool, in the car at the pickup line, or anywhere else that strikes my fancy.
- Backlit screen – Because the screen has adjustable brightness, I am able to read at night without keeping hubby up. I don’t need to have any additional lights on to be able to continue reading, so I don’t bother anyone.
- Adjustable fonts – Let’s face it, I’m not getting any younger, and on days when my eyes are especially tired, reading small fonts is hard. So I’m grateful that I can adjust font sizes and make the font larger and more spaced out, making reading easier on my eyes. I can’t do that with a physical book!
- Okay, okay, 6 reasons – BATTERY LIFE! The charge lasts WEEKS upon weeks. I can read a good 3-4 books without having to charge my Kindle.
I often get asked where I get my books from. A while back, I had someone tell me about Libby, an app through Overdrive, from the public library system. All you need is a library card, and you can borrow books from the app just like you do at the library. You can browse thousands upon thousands of books, including kids’ books. You can browse new releases, popular books, and available books. Just like with physical books, the library has a set number of copies they loan out, so you may have to join waiting list and put a hold on your book. You can have holds on up to 10 books at a time, and you can have up to 10 loans at a time. When you borrow a book, you borrow it for 21 days. It is delivered to the device you choose, and will appear there for 21 days until your loan is up, or until you return your copy early.
It’s completely free, and by using Libby, I have saved HUNDREDS of dollars on books in the last year. Friends, you cannot afford to not get this! I initially spent money on my Kindle, but over the long run, I have definitely saved money by using this app! If you go ahead and do this, let me know how you like it. I actually just loaded the app on Caleb’s iPad for him, too. Now he can borrow books from the library and read them right in the app.