Your Next Read | Worthy of Wearing

Worthy of Wearing isn’t a novel, so it’s not the usual kind of recommendation that I give. But I do think this is a worthwhile read for women. I recently talked on social media about how I had begun to shop with more intention and how I really weigh out whether a piece is something that will complement my already existing wardrobe and my personal style.
Nicole Caruso is a Catholic beauty and fashion consultant, a former beauty editor, a mom and wife. Nicole’s book teaches you to celebrate and reflect your unique mission, vocation, and worldview and helps you integrate your faith identity with your personal style. She gives practical advice for curating your wardrobe, offers styling tricks, gives tips for shopping, and encourages you to embrace your current season of life.
I have loved reading this book and seeing a lot of my own thoughts mirrored in Nicole’s writing. For me, reading this book wasn’t necessarily a huge A-HA! moment, but more of a “ooooh, someone else thinks like I do,” kind of thing. It’s also a nice way to think of how God created us and the image we present to the world and how those two things coincide.
Once you know your worth in Christ and lean on Him, you are free – free to live out your mission with pure intentions, a virtuous heart, and generous love of neighbor… When you begin to see how worthy you are, you with perceive, with a new clarity, the worth of every human person.”
Nicole Caruso, Worthy of Wearing
If you struggle with getting dressed, with finding your style, and with walking the line between fashion and style, I would definitely recommend this book for you. She poses questions at the end of each section that you can use to help you get to the core of what you need/want out of your wardrobe, plus a thirty day action plan at the end that you can follow! My favorite reminder of all? Style doesn’t have to mean expensive.

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