2024 Word of the Year
After a little deliberation and some input from Instagram, I finally decided on my Word of the Year. Since 2019, I have chosen a word of the year each new year. I like doing this more than resolutions. I feel like resolutions are so stringent and narrow, and it’s easy to feel like you haven’t reached a goal at the end of the year. We don’t know what a year will bring, what will propel us forward and what will derail us when it comes to our resolutions. But having a word, or a theme for the year lets me adapt to whatever life throws at me. And I never feel like I didn’t achieve it. I may do better at focusing on the word in some areas, but it’s a really good reason to pause and self-reflect at the end of the year, too.
This year’s word? I want MORE out of life. I want joy, I want laughter, I want love, relationship, friendship, family. I want more of the good things. I want to focus on the good things. So in 2024, my word is More.
MORE in ’24
- Family dates
- Eucharistic adoration
- Jesus
- Reading
- Exploring
- Therapy
- Prayer
- Laughter
- Drinking water
- Time with friends
- Moving my body
- Lifting weights
- Forgiveness
- Rest
- Self control
- Dates with Eddie
- Intention
- Simplifying
- Hospitality
- Presence
- Relationship
- Organization
- Writing
- Discipline
- Putting my phone down
- Flights
- Alcohol free fun
- Timeless styles
- Fun
- Silliness
- Making my boundaries/expectations clear
- Early bedtimes
- Dancing
- Spontaneity
- Scripture
- Praise & worship
- Saints
- Trust
- Nature
And when I focus on what I want MORE of, what I want less of will naturally take up less space.
Cheers to MORE in ’24!