Month: January 2023

The Good News Roundup

There’s so much ugliness in the world, and we’re constantly reading and hearing about all the terrible things that are going on. But I’ve made it a point recently to seek out the good news, and I wanted to share some good things here with you!

  1. How can you be happier? A happiness researcher is the director of the longest-running study on happiness. Find out what he’s learned here.
  2. In the same vein, it seems like friendships may be the key to living a longer life!
  3. When it comes to adventure, how far should we push our kids? And what are the benefits? This article has great insight.
  4. Another study shows that mindfulness exercises can be just as effective as anxiety drugs. Read more here.
  5. When we teach our children to think of others, they can come up with some pretty amazing ideas to help those around them.

Happy reading!
