10 Easy Ways to Live a Greener Lifestyle

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I would never claim to be totally eco-conscious or constantly aware of the environment, but there are a few small changes I’ve made around the house that make me feel better about what I am consuming and the impact I am making on our world. Here are 10 small things we do to make sure we are being more eco-friendly. If it seems like a lot, just try one thing at a time. By making a lot of small changes, over time you can make a huge impact. Plus, you are teaching your children and setting a good example for them as well.
1. Switch to a menstrual cup. Think about the waste that accumulates after years of using pads and tampons. A menstrual cup can really help cut down on that.
2. Reusable snack bags. We go through Ziplock bags like crazy, and this is one change I’ve been debating for a little bit, but I’m going to make it, this week.
3. Reusable makeup remover pads. I have been using a cloth to remove my makeup for a long time and I have found it to be useful, less abrasive than wipes, and again, much less wasteful than makeup remover wipes.
4. Reusable face pads. These are great for applying toner and anything you don’t want to use your hands for. They come with a little satchel so you can throw them in the wash and not lose them.
5. Silicone dish sponges and brushes. I was skeptical about these, but they are great! I also feel like they don’t harbor as much bacteria as a traditional dish sponge, so win-win!
6. Cleaning Cloths vs paper towels. I am guilty of relying on paper towels way too much. But a few years ago I started using these cloths for cleaning and not only do I feel less wasteful using them, but they also clean better and don’t leave fibers behind!
7. Make your own cleaning spray. I recently made an all-purpose cleaning spray with some essential oils and some products I already had at home. I’ve already re-filled it four times and I spend pennies on the dollar each time I refill it! Plus, no throwing away bottles of cleaning products constantly.
8. Diffuse essential oils instead of burning candles. I love candles, but they produce more waste and they aren’t really all that great for us to breathe in constantly.
9. Use real dishes, cups, and cutlery. I figure this is an easy one. I’d rather run my dishwasher once a day to cut down on the consumption of paper goods, and it’s something that adds up over time. This also includes water bottles! Buy yourself a good refillable one and take it everywhere!
10. Use reusable straws. The kids use straws pretty often, and reusable straws really help to cut down on waste. I’m also not a fan of paper straws, because the kids always manage to rip them up, so reusable ones in plastic, metal, or silicone are helpful!
What are some things you do to be more conscious of the environment? Let me know in the comments!