Moms Make Christmas Magic

Hey you… yes, you.
The one mentally running through her to-do list every hour to make sure she’s not forgetting – just one more gift.
The one bouncing from store to store to make sure she has all the ingredients for the kids’ favorite recipe.
The one vacuuming crumbs for the 4th time today because the kids couldn’t wait to dig into their gingerbread houses.
The one trying to find safe and fun ways to celebrate the holidays with the kids this year.
The one who ordered three more rolls of tape, only to come across seven unopened rolls in the gift wrapping bag.
The one who jolts out of bed at 3 am because “I forgot to move the elf!”
The one who still hasn’t started shopping.
The one who thought she was done shopping and just realized she forgot someone.
I see you.
You are what makes Christmas magic.

And I invite you to take a break from whatever is stressing you this year. Cuddle up on the sofa with those little munchkins – who you swear were experiencing the wonder of Christmas for the first time just yesterday, but here they are writing their own lists to Santa. You’re so busy creating the magic for everyone else, but make sure that you soak up some of that magic for yourself.
Stop thinking about the next thing on your list for a few hours.
Snap the photo and come back to it later.
Put your phone away. Your e-mails can wait a few hours, and so can the texts.
Be present.
Because while you are the one making the Christmas magic, you should also be lucky enough to experience it.