10 Things…

  1. I’m a reformed slob. Sometimes I revert to my sloppy ways, but it’s usually restricted to my car, my side of the bedroom, or my closet. But when I lived at my parents house my room was a disaster area and my mom and I had a LOT of arguments about it. 
  2. I’m shy/introverted by nature. I can’t walk into a room and be social. It’s not in my nature. I will always wait for someone to introduce me or introduce themselves. I’ll never make the proverbial “first move.” 
  3. I’m a rule-follower – almost to a fault. ​I hate to break rules and I literally will break out in hives if I think I’m breaking a rule. Even stupid rules. It’s an admirable but annoying trait. 
  4. I’m a crier. I cry over anything. Last weekend, we were at Disney and I must have cried 3 or 4 times. If I ever think I’m going to get in trouble (see #3), I’m probably in tears, too. 
  5. I laugh when I’m nervous/afraid. I don’t mean to be inappropriate, but sometimes I just can’t control the little giggle when I’m nervous! 
  6. I snore. ‘Nuff said. 
  7. I need glasses but I rarely wear them. I need them to see from far away, and they are always in my purse, but I typically will only put them on when I’m driving in the dark. 
  8. I’m the strict one. I’m not sure if it’s my teacher background or what, but I’m the one who always lays down the law. Hubs is the “nice parent.” 
  9. I bite my nails & cuticles. It’s a horrible habit that I have had since I was a little girl. It was so bad when I was younger that my Dad would give me money for every day that I didn’t bite them. I’ve used the gross tasting nail polish and everything and nothing worked. The only thing that really helps is regular manicures, and when they start chipping, all bets are off! 
  10. I’m obsessive about my hair being clean and wash it almost every day. I’ve learned to skip a day most of the time, but I won’t usually go more than one day without washing it. Thankfully I found Living Proof Dry Shampoo and that has been my saving grace for second ay hair. I just have really greasy hair and can’t stand for it to even feel a little dirty. 

There you have it! Now you know some more about me hehe. 

What’s something that most people don’t know about you? 


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