Toddler Eats | Breakfast

I have made a truly conscious effort to be intentional about what I feed my son. I figure my system might be addicted to all the bad things that I shouldn’t be eating, but I want to set him up to make good choices when it comes to his eating habits. This is going to be the first of a few posts in regards to meals and what I feed my little guy. I’ve included photos from 7 of our breakfasts, which gives you a week’s worth of ideas. There is nothing spectacular here – nothing fancy, nothing gourmet. Most of these I put together in 10 minutes or fewer. 

I have found that toddler preferences vary from one day to the next, so I’m constantly having to try new things. But I have found a few things that are tried and true, and I try to incorporate at least one sure thing into each meal so I’m not frustrated that he isn’t eating enough. 

He loves fruit, so breakfast usually consists of at least one kind of fruit. He also loves cheese and yogurt, so I make sure that dairy is in there as well. Most days I include some kind of whole grain. 

He also likes to feed himself, and self-feeding is very important to me. When children self-feed, they learn to stop when they are full and they start to give us cues as to when they have reached their point of fullness. Caleb, for example, begins to throw food on the floor once he is full. When he does that, I know he’s done. If I were spoon feeding him, he wouldn’t be able to give me those cues, and it’s highly likely he would be overfed more often than not. His self-feeding also gives me time to have my breakfast and more importantly, my coffee, in the morning while he is entertained and eating (we actually sit facing one another and eat breakfast together most days). 


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